Beaded Bag Lesson Plan

Your Beaded Bag

Sharing Worlds

Day One: Discuss Reading

Share what you read with the group:

  • What did you learn?​
  • What information was most interesting?​
  • What was most surprising?

Day One: Examine Alice World

  • Objects, Object Methods, and World Preview
  • Push play
  • Inspect the code
  • Discuss as a class how the computer interprets the code

Day One: Explore

  • Pair: what is the story is behind the scene depicted on the bag?
  • Share: one idea they have as to what is happening in this scene
  • Conclude: Remind students that this the development of creating an animation

Day Two: Group discussion

  1. Stories are a part of theory and are a legitimate sources of data.
  2. Women in the tribes of the Columbia plateau made beaded bags.
  3. The size of the bead can help date the beadwork, with pony (large) beads being from the early 1800s, and smaller beads introduces in mid-1800s.
  4. Recall the scene in the beadbag that we will animate today.
  5. Discuss as a class how the computer interprets the code

Day Two: Animate

Day Two: Share

  • Ask the students to share their animation, the story they are telling
  • What methods did they use to accomplish their animation (this can be done by projecting to the classroom, having all students huddle around, or just verbal descriptions).
  • Ask non-presenting students to describe what the differences were between the two stories.