Ledger Art Curriculum

An Overview of the Ledger Art Curriculum

This curriculum introduces students to programming physical computational artifacts through an exploration of past and contemporary ledger art by tribal members of Montana.

Section 1: Ledger Art

Students are introduced to the seven tribes of Montana through personal stories, a map of tribal lands, and symbolism in tribal seals. Students discuss the creation of reservations in order to learn about the origins of ledger art. Ledger art is an art form that originated on the reservations by using available materials (the ledgers). Students analyze contemporary Montana ledger art through symbolism. Students begin to consider stories from their lives that they want to represent in the style of ledger art and consider the symbolic representations they will use to convey a visual narrative.

Section 2: Circuits

Students are introduced to simple, parallel, and computational circuits in their quest to add LEDs and computational functionality to their ledger art projects. Science concepts such as current, polarity, voltage, and conductors are explored. Students design a circuit on their ledger art projects using a microcontroller and LEDs to emphasize key symbolic representations of their visual narratives.

Section 3: Programming

Students use pair programming techniques to code the LEDs on their ledger art projects to emphasize key elements of their visual narratives. Students are introduced to algorithms, functions and debugging. Students use their ledger art inspired projects to share their stories.

Section 4: Encryption

Students are introduced to communication protocols and reflect on their ledger art projects as a form of communication. Students create a binary message sending device using any materials in their area to develop a method of communicating a “yes or no” response. Students are introduced to binary using visual cards and use a structured card game to convert numbers in decimal to binary. Students reflect on the privacy of information and how we hide our stories from some. Students are introduced to encryption, and create a communication protocol that translates the letters of the alphabet to decimal and then to binary. Students use starter code to program the NeoPixels on the microcontroller on their ledger art project to display a message in binary representation as a way to encrypt a private message as another layer on their already functioning ledger art project. Students are introduced to nonverbal communication methods such as sign language used and nearly lost by Montana tribes.

Section 5: Storytelling

Students discuss the importance and power of telling stories. Students are introduced to human-computer interaction and discuss the ways humans interact with technology to tell their stories. Students are introduced to sensors, collect data using the sound sensor on the microcontroller, and discuss the diversity of data of multiple users. Students discuss the need for inclusive design when making new technologies. Students tell their stories to their peers, supplemented by the symbolic narratives of their ledger art projects. Students discuss data ownership and discuss tribal sovereignty in a case study where Montana tribal leaders initiated trainings for tribal health leaders to collect and analyze health data.