Computer Science through Storytelling


The following publications and products have been developed as a result of our research.


Animated story
Storytelling with Alice Curriculum

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. NSF DRL 1657553. Grant information can be found here.

See the Alice Storytelling Curriculum

Ledger art story
Ledger Art Curriculum

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. NSF DRL 1657553. Grant information can be found here.

See the Ledger Art Curriculum


Winter Count

Windchief, Sweeney and Cummins, Jason "Considering Indigenous Research Methodologies: Bicultural Accountability and the Protection of Community Held Knowledge"Qualitative Inquiry, 2021


Fasy, Brittany Terese and Hancock, Stacey A. and Komlos, Barbara Z. and Kristiansen, Brendan and Micka, Samuel and Theobold, Allison S."Bring the Page to Life: Engaging Rural Students in Computer Science Using Alice"iTiCSE 2020, v.June 20, 202010.1145/3341525.3387367


do Amaral, Barbara and Windchief, Sweeney"The Pathway to Achieving Classroom Equity: Computational and Critical Thinking through Storytelling and 3D Models"Educational research, v.30, 2019 More info


Fasy, Brittany and Hancock, Stacey and Micka, Sam and Theobold, Allison and Madubuko, Jachike"American Indian Storytelling with Alice"SIGCSE Poster Session, 2018 More info

Team Member

Hancock, Stacey "Meet A Member" column in MAA FOCUS (Newsmagazine of the Mathematical Association of America), Vol. 38, No. 1, February/March 2018, p. 20-21."Focus (Mathematical Association of America. Online), v.38, 2018 More info


The following video informs the public of our research and work.

Storytelling in the News

MSU researchers featured in national showcase
May 18, 2018

In a video featured in the STEM for All Video Showcase, Brittany Fasy, assistant professor of computer science, and others present their project to integrate computer science with storytelling as a unique way to engage Montana middle school students.

MSU researchers use stories to teach computing
September 11, 2017

An intuitive, drag-and-drop computer interface could become a tool for teaching computing skills to American Indian and other middle school students in Montana.